contextual information — dokumento kontekstinė informacija statusas Aprobuotas sritis dokumentų valdymas ir archyvai apibrėžtis Informacija apie dokumento sandarą, turinį ir aplinką, sudaranti būtinas ir pakankamas sąlygas dokumento autentiškumui ir prieinamumui… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
contextual — con|tex|tu|al [kənˈtekstʃuəl] adj [usually before noun] relating to a particular context contextual information/factors etc >contextually adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
contextual — adjective relating to a particular context: contextual information contextually adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
contextual — UK [kənˈtekstʃuəl] / US adjective connected with a particular context contextual information … English dictionary
contextual — adjective relating to or determined by or in context contextual information • Pertains to noun: ↑context • Derivationally related forms: ↑context … Useful english dictionary
Contextual inquiry — (CI) is a user centered design (UCD) ethnographic research method, part of the Contextual Design methodology. A contextual inquiry interview is usually structured as an approximately two hour, one on one interaction in which the researcher… … Wikipedia
Contextual design — (CD) is a user centered design process developed by Hugh Beyer and Karen Holtzblatt. It incorporates ethnographic methods for gathering data relevant to the product via field studies, rationalizing workflows, and designing human computer… … Wikipedia
Contextual cueing — (also referred to as Contextual Cuing ) is a concept in psychology that refers to the manner in which the human brain gathers information from visual elements and their surroundings. The term was coined by Drs. Marvin Chun and Yuhong Jiang of… … Wikipedia
Contextual Query Language — (CQL), previously known as Common Query Language,[1] is a formal language for representing queries to information retrieval systems such as search engines, bibliographic catalogs and museum collection information. Based on the semantics of Z39.50 … Wikipedia
Information overload — refers to excess amounts of information being provided, making the processing and absorbing tasks very difficult for the individual because we cannot see the validity behind the information (Yang, 2003 [Yang, C.C. (2003) Decision Support Systems … Wikipedia
Information quality — (IQ) is a term to describe the quality of the content of information systems. It is often defined as: The fitness for use of the information provided. Although this is useable for most everyday purposes, specialists often use more complex models… … Wikipedia